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Happy 2011 to you and Maurice. It's hard to believe that the first deadce of the 21st century already has passed and much too quickly.I first saw the locks and ribbons when walking on the Great Wall. Don't remember the exact story now, but in China it's the fashion for newly engaged or newly wed couples to climb up, snap their lock on the fence, and throw the key off the side of the wall to symbolize eternal togetherness. It's a lovely idea but better in China than in Paris; Paris is much too beautiful to have locks dangling off the Pont des Artes. Perhaps they should be relocated to a wall at Pompidou and be called modern art! At any rate, I hope it's just a temporary fad.

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I need more articles and blogs please post soon.

escorts France

While I really like this publish, I believe there was an punctuational error shut towards the finish of the third section.

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